31 Mart 2010 Çarşamba

drug addiction

Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, seeking, and use that persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences.
Drug seeking affects brain functioning and thus behaviors.

Why do drug-addicted persons keep using drugs?Nearly all addicted individuals believe at the outset that they can stop using drugs on their own, and most try to stop without treatment. Although some people are successful, many attempts result in failure to achieve longterm abstinence.

What is drug addiction treatment?

Drug treatment is intended to help addicted individuals stop compulsive drug seeking and use. Treatment can occur in a variety of settings, in many different forms, and for different lengths of time.

Support is essential to addiction recovery
 Recovering from drug addiction is much easier when you have people you can lean on for encouragement, comfort, and guidance.

Support can come from:

  • family members
  • close friends
  • therapists or counselors
  • other recovering addicts
  • healthcare providers
  • people from your faith community

23 Mart 2010 Salı

Bozcaada (Tenedos)

Bozcaada (Tenedos)is a island in Aegean Sea in Turkey.It is very famous and touristic place.Island is famous for its grapes and wines.Also besides of Turks,Greek people live there.

Old castle in Bozcaada (Tenedos) Island .

The largest church on the island

19 Mart 2010 Cuma

Twilight novels(twilight,new moon,eclipse,breaking dawn)

10 Mart 2010 Çarşamba

how i met your mother

How i met your mother is a tv series about Ted Mosby and how he fell in love.Every episodes start Ted Mosby's speaking with his children in 2030 and narrated through flashbacks from the past and the future.Comedy also mentioned Ted's friends Marshall,Lily,Barney and Robin.Story started when Ted's best friend, Marshall decide to propose to his fiance Lily.At that moment Ted realizes he want to be like them and he decided to find the true love.Barney who is humorous,smart and so womanizer to become a part of this quest.One day Ted meets with Robin and he's sure it's love at first sight but of course it is not.

2 Mart 2010 Salı

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder, is anxiety disorder and is characterized by unwanted thoughts or repetitive behaviors.Such as handwashing, counting, checking, or cleaning ...
Compulsions are behaviors that patient feel driven to act out again and again. Usually, compulsions are performed in an attempt to make obsessions go away.

Obsessions are involuntary, seemingly uncontrollable thoughts, images, or impulses that occur over and over again in ttheir mind. They don’t want to have these ideas in fact, they know that they don’t make any sense. But they can’t stop them. Unfortunately, these obsessive thoughts are usually disturb.

  • Washers are afraid of contamination. They usually have cleaning or hand-washing compulsions.
  • Checkers repeatedly check things (oven turned off, door locked)
  • Doubters and sinners are afraid that if everything isn’t perfect .
  • Counters and arrangers are obsessed with order and symmetry. 
  • Hoarders fear that something bad will happen if they throw anything away.